GROW Characterization and design for the new website of Mosholam Clearing Solutions or
in his new name grow. The site offers a variety of clearing solutions in a striking young marketing envelope and above all not boring in a world where everyone looks the same.




As part of the process of characterizing, we did research on the different types of customers, made customer paths on the site based on the different types of personas, characterized processes, and made a grid for sending messages that were comfortable and easy to read.



During the design process, we made a design language that combines graphic elements with a futuristic look. We made a language that conveys innovation and technology while putting the focus on professional content in a way that is inviting and marketable.



At the end of the process, we took the elements and put them into After Effects to give them life, give them another dimension, and, most importantly, turn them all into one website that says "the future is already here."

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